21 December 2006


I absolutely love the stuff. I don't want it cold. I don't want it flavored. High-octane please, none of that decaf crap. Just give me coffee.
It does not matter if it is 110 in the shade, it does not matter if it is 2am. If I'm just not in a mood to drink while out and about with friends, they will order their beer, wine, whiskey or whatever. But when alcohol is not what I have a taste for and order coffee, boy do I get odd looks.
I walk into Central Market and head straight for the coffee section. I will stand there forever, smelling the air and feeling as if I'm in heaven.
There is just something about a hot cuppa. Soothing, calming, and relaxing. Some balk at the thought of spending $10 for a pound of freshly roasted coffee beans and settle for some store-brand. Life is just too short to waste on cheap coffee.


Anonymous said...

I'm with ya TW - and I cant stand coffee that has been tampered with - just give me a cup straight from the pot - no syrups, no gimmicks just regular, tasty, yummy coffee!!
Happy christmas

Love Sam xxx

(who drinks waaaaaay too much coffee herself!!!!)

Anonymous said...

While I do love a good latte, occasionally flavored, a perfect cuppa joe flat-out can't be beat. I crave it.